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Rate Your Story does just that – rate your story.

Basically, you write a story (perhaps you have already written one...or ten), and submit it to Rate Your Story. Published writers volunteer their time to read and rate your story, as well as provide some helpful feedback for moving forward.


What's the point?

Good question–glad you asked. Writers (and aspiring writers) often work in a vacuum of sorts. What sounds good in our heads doesn't always translate well when someone (other than Grandma, hubby, or 5-year-old child) reads it. Having an outside opinion–from someone who sells work to actual publishers–may prove invaluable. Even if you have a critique group, objective beta readers come in handy.


Before you send your picture book to a publisher or your story to a magazine, before you enter that writing contest or rush to self-publish your masterpiece...why not have someone else take a peek and rate your story?


Who uses Rate Your Story?

A wide variety of writers utilize our various services and/or subscribe to our newsletter. Some members are already agented and published, others are just getting started. Rate Your Story provides a fresh professional eye on your story  

RYS judges read and rate manuscripts by children's writers. Visit our submission guidelines for more information on the select few genres/categories we will not read and rate.


Our services menu includes a yearly Membership, stand-alone Speedpasses, Member and Non-Member upgrades, Mentor Sessions and complete critiques. Check out our offerings to see what’s right for you! 


 Our number one goal is to provide helpful and insightful feedback and services to assist you in attaining a successful children’s writing career. 



Will you publish or share my story?

We will not in any way publish or share your story. As for sharing, our judges sign a non-disclosure agreement and all stories are immediately deleted after they have been read/rated. 

Will you rate any story?

No. Submission guidelines are posted on our website.  Please read them carefully.  If you don't, we don't guarantee that we'll rate it at all. It's good practice for submitting to real publishers to make sure you know the rules before submitting anything. We'll accept stories for  children, as long as each submission adheres to the guidelines.


How long does it take?

That may depend. All of our judges operate under different schedules. You should receive your Rating and Feedback within four - ten days. If you haven't gotten a rating in 14 full business days, please feel free to check in with our Inbox Coordinator.  If we're really backlogged, we'll let you know via auto-responder to expect longer wait times.


Will you steal my story idea?

Although ideas can't be copyrighted, we respect your intellectual property and handle it professionally. All of our judges have signed non-disclosure agreements with Rate Your Story. All Rate Your Story volunteers have agreed not to infringe upon the copyright of authors they encounter through judging manuscripts at Rate Your Story. So there's your answer, no.  If you're still skeptical – don't submit it. This is a simple website offering a simple service. We like simplicity and honesty.


What if I totally disagree with the rating?

Publishing is a subjective business, however if you feel a rating you received was particularly harsh or unfair, please reach out to us! We'd love to take a look. If we feel you were slighted in any way, we will arrange for  a second opinion. In addition, you are always welcome to submit a manuscript as many times as you wish to get a variety of feedback. However, we will limit it to three times for a particular Judge. 

Can I submit more than one story?

Membership submissions must be spaced apart -- no more than one in a week’s time, no more than four in a month, up to eighteen submissions for the year. However, should you run out of submissions before the year’s end, you may purchase additional Rating and Feedback opportunities as Speedpasses at a special Member rate. 


If you purchase a non-Member Speedpass, you may submit as many as you would like at one time, as long as a payment is received for each submission. 


Who rates my story?

Member ratings come with your Judge’s code name. If you got particularly good feedback and want to see if you followed it, you may request the same Judge again. We will certainly pass along the request, however we cannot guarantee it. 


Please use consideration and do not contact any of the volunteer authors about Rate Your Story outside of this site, unless you've decided to work with them for a more in-depth critique and they've requested your contact. 


Also, a high rating from Rate Your Story is NOT a recommendation or referral. Please don't tell a publisher or editor that Rate Your Story (or any of the authors associated with it) recommended that you send your work to them. The rating is primarily for YOU, the author.


What if I have more questions?

Visit the Rate Your Story contact page. We'd love to hear from you!

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