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To purchase RYS Speed Passes, Add-ons, and Critiques, click here 

To purchase First Pages with Lynne Marie, click here.

To purchase Targeted Speed Passes with our Judges, click here.

What is a SPEED PASS?
A SPEED PASS allows a Non-Member to submit to Rate Your Story, as well as a Member to submit additional items to best serve the rating and feedback needs of our writing community.


We have a variety of Speedpass options, including pitches, query letters, art or a single manuscript at any time for a rating + guaranteed comments*, and it will be returned in less than 7 days' time. Should you require a faster turnaround, fast pass options may be purchased to facilitate that. 


Currently, there is no limit to the number of SPEED PASSES a user can purchase, but we reserve the right to limit the sale of these if our current submissions volume warrants the restriction. 


Speed passes expire at the end of the year purchased. However, it is best to purchase a SPEED PASS the day of submitting your manuscript, as that helps us verify your purchase quicker and gets your manuscript sent out to judges in a super-speedy fashion.

SPEED PASS Submission guidelines:
You must submit your manuscript from the email address you used to purchase your Speed pass OR you must copy and paste the receipt into the body of your email when you submit your manuscript. Please remember to follow all standard RYS submission guidelines which can be found HERE. You must put the word SPEED PASS plus the type of pass purchased and the title and genre of your manuscript into the subject line of your email in order to guarantee a 7 day turnaround. *Note: If your submission is a query letter, please replace the title with the words QUERY LETTER instead. If a Pitch, please put PITCH, etc. 


*All submissions (with the exception of a full critique) include a rating plus guaranteed comments only. This is not a line-edit critique. By Submitting to Rate Your Story you agree that you have read and understand our Terms & Conditions listed  HERE

Ready to checkout?

*Does not include yearly membership.
Speed Pass

Regular Speed Pass 


Query Letter Rating and Feedback for Non-Members


Illustration Rating and Feedback

(One Spread and Text Feedback)


Full Manuscript Critique and Rating for Non-Members

(Includes Line Edits and Overall Big Picture Comments)


Need it QUICK? Add a Fast Pass for Extra Speed!

(Any of the above returned within (1) day)


Query Letter Add-On


Pitch Add-On for Members


Speed Pass to Learning
(Crafty Webinars for Non-Members.)


Need it QUICK? Add a Fast Pass for Extra Speed!

(Any of the above returned within (3) days)


Query Letter Rating and Feedback for Members


Pitch Rating and Feedback for Non-Members


Full Manuscript Critique and Rating for Members


Need it QUICK? Add a Fast Pass for Extra Speed!

(Any of the above returned within (2) days)


First Pages with Lynne Marie & Guest Guru!
Send your Children's PB, CB, NF, MG and YA First Page Submissions to

First Pages

First Page Submission


First Page Submission Non-Members


Pick your Pit Crew! Targeted Speed Passes with our Judges!

Send your Submissions to

Pit Crew Pass

Targeted Speed Pass 

with Lynne Marie

(NF and PB Submissions)


Member's Upgrade:

Targeted Speed Pass

with Author of the Month

(PB Submissions)


Member's Upgrade:

Targeted Speed Pass 

with Lynne Marie 

(NF and PB Submissions)


Targeted Speed Pass

with Author of the Month

(PB Submissions)


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